Tuesday, February 9, 2010

rekie heailing treatment

The practitioner places their hands on (or sometimes above) the client on various parts of the body, usually starting with the head. The Reiki healing energy flows from the practitioners hands to the client and is guided to where it is most needed to cleanse, release blockages and to restore health, balance and well-being.

The treatment is gentle with no manipulation of the skin or muscle tissue. The client may feel heat, cold or even a tingling feeling. In addition, the client may feel physical and emotional sensations as the energy moves through them. It is common for clients to feel so deeply relaxed and calm that they fall asleep. The experience is unique to each individual and may vary from one session to another. Many clients are amazed at the feeling of relaxation they leave with.

Usually one or two Reiki sessions bring release from stress related issues. However, a course of four or more treatments may be recommended for a chronic or more serious condition. Many clients use Reiki to “top-up” their energy levels every four to six weeks. They enjoy the wonderful feelings of vitality gained and are much more able to cope with life’s pressures.

The Reiki treatment will cleanse the body of toxins and creates balance to allow healing to take place. It is recommended you drink plenty of water after your treatment to help this process.
Fee: £30 per treatment

The aura is a field of subtle energy which penetrates and extends out from the physical body. Usually we are unaware of our aura but it is directly affected by our thoughts and feelings. If you have a bad day and are feeling down and tired, your aura will recede to perhaps two to three feet from your body. After a Reiki treatment, your aura will grow to twenty to thirty feet.

Illness first starts in the aura, either as negative Ki formed by the subconscious mind, or as karma, brought from past lives. This negative energy begins to grow in the aura and can extend into the physical body causing disruptions to the chakra’s energy flow (see below) and resulting in physical and mental illness. By cleansing the aura, the client’s energy levels rise and residual energy from previous trauma’s in this or past lives are removed. This allows healing at a deeper level and will help prevent physical illness in the future.

Aura Cleansing can be incorporated into a Reiki Treatment or done separately. When done separately, an aura cleansing treatment usually take about 30 minutes. The cleansing is completely non-invasive and painless as the practitioner works in the area around the client.
Fees: £15 per Aura Cleansing Treatment
£35 combined Reiki Healing and Aura Cleansing Treatment

The Chakra’s are our body’s internal energy transformers which follow the length of the spine. The Chakra’s play an important role in health and healing. There are seven main chakra’s in the body, starting at the root chakra at the base of the spine to the crown chakra at the top of the head.

When the chakra’s are out of balance, the energy and life force which flows through the body is blocked. As a result, difficulties in life or even illness can arise in that area. By balancing the chakra’s, the life force and energy resume their correct flow and maintain health, both in body and mind.

Chakra Balancing is done using a pendulum and crystals. The energy flows clockwise then anti-clockwise from one to the next chakra. Using a pendulum held over the body, the practitioner will identify where the energy flow is moving in the right direction. Where the energy is flowing in the wrong direction, or completely blocked, crystals are placed on the body which correct the flow. The balancing is painless and non-invasive.

Chakra Balancing usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete and is excellent when combined with a Reiki Treatment.

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